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Splash Financial Review

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Splash Financial
Splash Financial
Reviews 1,306
Sally Herigstad
Jul. 23, 2024
3 min read
Sally Herigstad
Splash Financial Summary
Splash Financial is a student loan refinance company who has been refinancing student loan debt for over a decade. Splash works as a loan refinancing marketplace. After you apply with Splash, you choose the bank or credit union lending partner that offers you the rate and terms that work for you.


  • Compare rates from multiple lenders
  • Fast, seamless online loan application
  • No application or origination fees


  • Not a direct loan provider

Splash Financial at a glance

Editorial score

Online experience

Has learning resources, access to rates, mobile app

Customer services and support

Award winning

Repayment flexibility

Offers multiple repayment plans- but no special repayment programs

Loan Types Covered

Covers most student loan types


Loans available to all credit types, income levels, and loan types

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Suitable For?

Splash Financial is suitable for borrowers with good credit scores who want to shop different lenders and reduce the interest rate they are paying on their current student loans. Some borrowers with federally held loans may choose not to refinance in order to remain eligible for benefits applicable to federally held loans.*

Loan Features

Splash Financial offers loans with the following features:

  • Fixed-rate APRs from 4.99% (with autopay) - 10.24% (without autopay)
  • Variable-rate APRs from 5.28% - 10.24%
  • Student loan refinancing from $5,000 and up

The Application Process

Take the following steps to refinance your student loans through Splash Financial:

  1. Get your rate estimate. Answer a few questions, and see offers from their network of lending partners.
  2. Submit your application. Choose the rate and lender you want to work with, and secure your rate.
  3. Finalize your loan online.

Loan Eligibility Requirements

The lending partners on Splash Financial generally require the following:

  • Meeting minimum financial standards, such as income and credit score.
  • Graduation from an associate’s or four-year degree or higher, or applicants in the final term of their program at a Title IV eligible school who have an offer of employment in certain medical fields in which they will receive the degree.
  • U.S. citizenship, or for some lending partners, permanent residency status.

Repayment Terms

With Splash Financial, variable loan rates range from 5.28% - 10.24% and fixed rate loans range from 4.99% (with autopay) - 10.24% (without autopay). Splash offers loan terms of 5-20 years.**

How Safe Is It?

Splash Financial takes the following measures to protect your security:

  • Industry standard security. Splash uses secure servers, and any partner they work with is also required to keep your information safe.
  • SSL Verification. Splash’s verified SSL means they have met some of the industry’s highest standards for identity assurance.
  • SSL Encryption. With SSL Encryption, your sensitive data is safely transferred between your browser and the Splash website.
  • Account safeguards. They use authentication and ID verification to prevent unauthorized access.

Help & Support

Phone Number:  1-(800)-349-3938. Phone support is available Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM ET.

You can also chat online with a Splash financial representative, anytime. 


Splash Financial brings together multiple lending partners to find you competitive interest rates by refinancing your student loans. It’s fast and easy to apply online and see offers in minutes. With variable rates starting at 5.28% - 10.24% and fixed rates from 4.99% (with autopay) - 10.24% (without autopay), you may be able to save on interest payments. Splash never charges application fees or origination fees, and there are no prepayment penalties if you want to pay off your loan sooner.

Physical Address

812 Huron Rd. E.

Suite 350

Cleveland, OH 44115

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*Terms and Conditions apply. Splash reserves the right to modify or discontinue products and benefits at any time without notice. Products may not be available in all states. Rates and terms are subject to change at any point prior to application submission. The information you provide is an inquiry to determine whether Splash’s lending partners can make you a loan offer. To qualify, a borrower must be a U.S. citizen or other eligible status and meet lender underwriting requirements. Lowest rates are reserved for the highest qualified borrowers and may require an autopay discount of 0.25%. Splash does not guarantee that you will receive any loan offers or that your loan application will be approved. If approved, your actual rate will be within a range of rates and will depend on a variety of factors, including term of loan, creditworthiness, income and other factors. This information is current as of July 17, 2024. You should review the benefits of your federal student loan; it may offer specific benefits that a private refinance/consolidation loan may not offer. If you work in the public sector, are in the military or taking advantage of a federal department of relief program, such as income-based repayment or public service forgiveness, you may not want to refinance, as these benefits do not transfer to private refinance/consolidation loans.

Fixed APR: Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of credit calculating the interest rate, loan amount, repayment term and the timing of payments. Fixed rate options range from 4.99% (with autopay) to 10.24% (without autopay) and will vary based on application terms and level of degree.

Variable APR: Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of credit calculating the interest rate, loan amount, repayment term and the timing of payments. Variable rate options range from 5.28% to 10.24% (without autopay) and will vary based on application terms and level of degree. Variable APRs and amounts subject to increase or decrease.

**Repayment examples are for illustrative purposes only. Loans feature repayment terms of 5 to 20 years. For example, if you receive a $10,000 loan with a 15-year repayment term and an 8.50% APR, you would have a required monthly payment of $98.47. Late payments or subsequent charges and fees may increase the cost of your loan.

See additional disclaimers at: https://www.splashfinancial.com/disclaimers/ Splash Financial, Inc. (NMLS #1630038), licensed by the DFPI under California Financing Law, license # 60DBO-102545

Sally Herigstad
Written by
Sally Herigstad
Sally has been writing about personal finance since 1998 and is the author of “Help! I Can’t Pay My Bills” (St. Martin’s Griffin). She is a licensed real estate broker in Washington state and a retired certified public accountant. She writes for BestMoney and enjoys helping readers make sense of the options on the market.‎
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