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Legal & General America Life Insurance Review

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Legal & General America
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Legal & General America
Legal & General America
Reviews 19,665
Bestmoney Staff
Feb. 17, 2025
4 min read
BestMoney Staff
Legal & General America Summary
Legal & General America has an excellent reputation for providing quality life insurance packages at competitive rates. Through a commitment to delivering a small selection of life insurance packages at a high standard, Legal & General America has become one of the largest life insurance providers in the United States.


  • Term Life offers coverage for 10 to 40 years in 5-year increments
  • Strong ratings from all 3 of the major credit rating agencies
  • Preferred underwriting classes available for smokers and others


  • Doesn’t offer index universal and variable universal cover
  • Can take 3 to 5 weeks to have application approved

Legal & General America at a glance

Editorial score

Coverage type

Offers both term and whole life insurance with no medical exams required. Payouts of over $2 million

Customization of policies

Customizable rates and terms; add-ons or riders available with some policies; decide whether to buy with an agent or buy online

Customer services and support

Multiple communication options and a dedicated agent

Online experience

Online application but no learning resources, long process

Direct insurer?

Yes, direct insurer

Legal & General America at a Glance

Legal & General America offers term life insurance policies of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years, and at competitively low costs compared to the industry standard. For example, a 20-year-old female non-smoker in excellent health purchasing a 10-year term life insurance policy with a $100,000 face value would pay as little as $8 monthly premium. A 45-year male non-smoker with average health, purchasing a 20-year policy with $1 million face value, might pay between $137 to $159 per month.

Best For?

Legal & General America offers competitive rates and certain considerations to people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, anxiety, or high blood pressure. Unlike some competitors, Legal & General America also offers positive health credits for people who may have a medical issue but live a healthy and fit lifestyle overall.

  With Legal & General America life insurance you can get peace of mind and protect your family’s future


Flexibility is one of the main features of Legal & General America’s service: payments can be made in several different frequencies, policies can be converted without losing the original terms, and there are several rider options that can be tailored to fit each customer’s needs.

  • The policy conversion option allows you to exchange your term policy for a universal policy. When you exercise this option, Legal & General America will issue the universal policy at the same underwriting class as your existing term. Conversions can be requested before the end of the guaranteed level premium period or before age 70 – whichever comes first.
  • You have a choice of monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payments. Premiums are calculated on an annual basis, so if you prefer to pay premiums at more regular intervals your premium will be higher.
  • The following riders can be added to your coverage:
  1. Term Rider, which provides temporary coverage for a period shorter than what the base policy provides, for example a 30-year base plan with a 20-year rider may cover your mortgage payoff.
  2. Accelerated Death Benefit Rider, in which a benefit is paid prior to the insured person’s death if they are facing a qualifying terminal illness. 
  3. Children’s Life Insurance Rider, which provides death-benefit protection for families with children.
  4. Waiver of Premium, in which premiums due will be waived during a period of long-term illness or disability, as long as that disability has existed continuously for at least 6 months.

Policy Terms

Term Life Insurance is typically the most popular and is designed for people with temporary needs or is on a limited budget. It provides protection for a specific period of 10 to 40 years.

  • Pay premiums only for the duration of the coverage.
  • If a policyholder dies before the end of the policy term, their beneficiaries may submit a claim request to receive their payout.
  • In the event of a policyholder’s death, Term Life is designed to help families cover temporary needs, such as: a child’s college tuition; paying off a home loan; income replacement for surviving spouse.

Application Process

A free quote can be obtained quickly and easily through the Legal & General America website or over the phone. The next step is the pre-application process, which begins with a brief introductory call with a licensed agent to help you assess your coverage needs. Once your needs are determined, a follow up interview may be scheduled at your convenience to complete an application, or you may be able to apply directly online. That portion of the process takes about 20-45 minutes and you will need to have on hand:

  • Driver’s license
  • Social Security number
  • Contact details for any doctors, hospitals or clinics you’ve visited in the past 10 years
  • Details of any prescriptions medicines you are taking
  • Basic financial information
  • Disclosure of any other life insurance policies you have held

Some applicants may be required to take a brief, no-cost medical exam lasting about 20-30 minutes.

If you would like to learn more about other products Legal & General America offers, please visit the website

How Safe Is It?

With 70+ years of operation in the United States and $782 billion of life insurance in force in 2020, Legal & General America is one of the best life insurance companies in the country. Based on a 2021 LIMRA report, Legal & General America is the #1 provider of term life insurance in the US, issuing more than $63 billion that same year. It has a superior or very strong rating from all three of the major financial strength ratings agencies, meaning customers can be confident in its financial stability.

Help and Support

Legal & General America prides itself on achieving a 4-star review from Trustpilot and values customer feedback. The team is licensed and equipped to help you get the right coverage to fit your needs. Once you have a policy, you can update most of your information online. Existing policyholders can also quickly reach a friendly customer care representative via phone or email.. 


People looking for competitively priced life insurance from a company with financial strength and an excellent reputation need look no further than Legal & General America. Through a commitment to delivering a small selection of life insurance packages at an excellent standard, Legal & General America has become one of the largest life insurance providers in the United States.

Physical Address

Legal & General America
3275 Bennett Creek Avenue
Frederick, Maryland 21704
United States

Legal & General America Disclosure

Legal & General America life insurance products are underwritten and issued by Banner Life Insurance Company, Urbana, MD and William Penn Life Insurance Company of New York, Valley Stream, NY. Banner products are distributed in 49 states and D.C. William Penn products are available exclusively in New York; Banner does not solicit business there. Financial strength ratings as of 2021. The Legal & General America companies are part of the worldwide Legal & General Group. 18-143*OPTerm policy form # ICC12OPTN and state variations. OPTerm policy form in NY is #OPTN-NY. The OPTerm life insurance premiums quoted are based on the information provided. The quote does not take into consideration complete medical history, occupational risks or other avocations. Approval and actual premiums will be based upon the entire underwriting process, including but not limited to information provided on the application, exam results and specific underwriting requirements and criteria. Premium rates vary by underwriting classification and coverage amount. Premium rates vary by coverage amount: $100,000-$249,999, $250,000-$499,999, $500,000-$999,999, $1,000,000 and above. Premiums quoted include $90 annual policy fee. Premiums are guaranteed to stay level for the initial term period and increase annually thereafter. OPTerm policies can be issued in preferred plus non-tobacco, preferred non-tobacco, standard plus non-tobacco, standard non-tobacco, preferred tobacco and standard tobacco classes. OPTerm 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 substandard policies can be issued through Table 12, subject to underwriting discretion. Coverage can be renewed to age 95. Policies can be returned without obligation within 30 days of receipt in most states. Two-year contestability and suicide provisions apply. Policy descriptions provided here are not a statement of contract. Please refer to the policy forms for full disclosure of all benefits and limitations. Rates as of 07.29.22.

BestMoney Staff
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Bestmoney Staff
Our editorial staff consists of writers who are knowledgeable about financial services. We specialize in simplifying the process of choosing the right provider for your needs.
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